Saturday’s Children
April 22 & 23, 1930
Illini Theatre
The play centers on Bobby Halevy, a young woman in love with a co-worker, Rims O’Neil. Bobby receives contradictory relationship advice from her sister, Florrie, and her father, Mr. Halvery, throughout the play. Florrie persuades Bobby to set a trap for Rims that will bait him into marrying her. Bobby soon finds traditional married life miserable, as she and Rims squabble over money and petty jealousies. She escapes to a boarding house, but neither divorces nor returns to Rims. Rather she convinces him that all they both really wanted was a love affair all along. The play ends with the two preparing for a clandestine encounter in Bobby’s room.
Author: Maxwell Anderson
Historian’s Corner
This modern comedy-drama of the miseries of modern marriage had a successful two night run. The entire season was very successful for Community Players. At its annual meeting held in May, the treasurer reported that total receipts were $5,034.64 with total disbursements at $2,814.29, which left a balance of $2,222.35. It was also voted that six directors would be added to the executive committee to provide a place of service for past presidents and others active in the organization’s history, and to remove them from chairmanship of standing committees so that these positions will be open to newer members.