Good News
October 19 & 20, 1950
Scottish Rite Temple
A thrill that comes once in a lifetime is scoring the winning touchdown for the varsity team when all seems lost. That is what happens to Tom Marlowe, football hero at Tait University, but the honor nearly escapes him when he flunks his astronomy examination. The harsh old professor is insistent that Tom pass the test, and things look dark, until Patricia, Tom’s sweetheart, asks her cousin Connie to tutor him. For once Tom places the orbits of the stars on an equal footing with the gyrations of the pigskin and digs in. There are many surprises in store. First of all, Tom falls in love with Connie. Then the professor, hated by everyone for his insistence upon rules and regulations, turns out to be tenderhearted and passes Tom on the eve of the big game. And the game itself—what a game! Tom is sorely needed, and the suspense is lifted when he makes the winning touchdown.
Book by Laurence Schwab, Lyrics by B.G. DeSylva and Lew Brown, Music by Ray Henderson
Historian’s Corner
“Good News” was the first musical comedy to be done by the Community Players. Nearly 100 people auditioned for the 40 parts in the show. “Syl” Legner and his twelve-piece orchestra provided the music. With a large cast of actors, singers, and dancers, it was not unusual for 60 or 70 people to attend rehearsals. This number included 20 costumers (designers, cutters, and sewing), 14 set workers, three properties workers, the directors, a choreographer and two dance captains, and the musicians. It took more than 100 people to put on this first musical. Players was thrilled when more than 2,000 season tickets were sold before the opening of the show.