For Her Che-ild’s Sake, or Her First False Step
May 15, 1943
Majestic Theatre
“For Her Che-ilds Sake, or Her First False Step” was a comedy meler-drayma in three acts. Hilary Paine, an unpleasant husband, decides to return home with his beautiful wife Pansy, our pure but persecuted heroine, and their baby Heliotrope. When Hilary dies of a heart attack, Pansy is left to face the unwelcome attentions of scoundrel Gaylor Duckworth, the fabulous villain and family lawyer, who wants the Paine fortune. Pansy spurns him, and he frames her on a murder charge. In order to save her little daughter’s fair name, Pansy makes the supreme sacrifice by leaving home. After a year of longing, Pansy returns home, heavily veiled and determined to get a glimpse of her beloved babe. It is tough going, but the heroine triumphs and wins the love of noble Fairfax Kisslebergh, our manly hero, who earns an honest living punching holes in cheese at the factory.
Author: Paul Loomis
Historian’s Corner
To continue with this season’s lighter fare, the program committee (now the play reading committee) felt that Players should do a full out meler-drayma style show. The committee, after having read numerous scripts of this style, felt that “For Her Che-ilds Sake, or Her First False Step” was the best choice for Players’ audiences.