Congratulations to the cast of Jesus Christ Superstar! The show opens November 4, with a preview November 3, and runs for three weekends.
Jesus of Nazareth - Daniel Sutter
Judas Iscariot - Treveon Campbell
Mary Magdalene - Mena Williams
Caiaphas - Dakota McDaniels
Annas - Mario Silva
Pontius Pilate - Brian Artman
King Herrod - Ken Sprouls
Simon Zealotes - Missy Freese
Peter - Latrisha Green
- Alex Dwyer
- Avery Schoen
- Cally Robertson
- Carson Grey
- Claire Clausing
- Clara Varlese
- Diane Gunz
- Erica O'Neill
- Haley Helpingstine
- Hassan Holcomb
- Justin Mabrey
- Kelly Ferguson
- Leah Megli
- Michael Braun
- Sam Willis
- Shireen Banigan