Thank you to all of the wonderfully talented kiddos who came out to audition for this year’s Summer Camp! We are so excited you are spending part of your Summer here at Community Players Theatre, and helping us put on Volume 2 of Lessons From Broadway: A Musical Review!! Congratulations to our cast!!
Joselyn Hauck
Joelle Roberts
Natalie Haushalter
Ella Mueller
Bailey Kozlen
Elijah Johnson
Dylan Reed
Chloe Seiders
Natalie Brooks
Jaron Zehr
Cameryn Miller
Gabe Hackney
Asa Lotz
Kai Bailey Smith
Amy Dederich
Lily Evans
Faithe Streily
Nick Sleevar
Myrissa Wiggins
Ava Peterson
Lily Kirvan
Katie Price
Kylee Hoffman
Maggie Easter
Gabby Streily
Riley Christian
Madalynn Uribe
Sophia Johnson
Micah Johnson
Noah Roberts
Anya Kirvan
Lukas Prahl
Lexi Mills
Paige Chernick
Haley Seiders
Mary Hall
Lily Miller