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Auditions: Sunday, May 20th @ 4pm
Performances: June 16 & 17 @ 2:00pm & 5:00pm
Join us for our third production under our new Community Players Summer Camp banner, featuring performers entering 3rd to 8th grade.
Auditions will be held on Sunday, May 20th beginning at 4pm at Community Players Theatre, 201 Robinhood Lane in Bloomington. There is no sign up for audition times.
Camp will run June 4th-7th from 1-5pm for 6th-8th Graders and June 11-14th from 1-5pm for 3rd-5th Graders. All students will have their final tech rehearsal on June 15th from 1-5pm
Students planning to audition must be entering grades 3-8 during the 2018-2019 school year. Those auditioning will be expected to sing 18-24 bars of a song of their choice. You are required to bring a copy of your music for the accompanist. Singing with recorded music will not be allowed. Songs do not need to be memorized and it’s okay to hold a copy of the music during the audition. There will be a short dance audition as well. Please wear clothes that are easy to move in and appropriate shoes.
There will NOT be a reading audition.
A parent/legal guardian must accompany the auditioning students to fill out necessary forms. Students without accompanying parent/guardian will not be allowed to audition. Students and parent/guardian will be required to sign a behavior contract for the duration of the camp.
To be cast, students MUST be available for ALL four performances. Performances are Saturday and Sunday, June 16th and 17th at 2pm and 5pm. Please be aware that absences from camp may affect the student’s level of participation.
The fee for the camp is $60 and includes a show shirt, one complimentary ticket for any performance of the show, their script/music and daily snacks. The fee must be paid no later than the first day of rehearsal. Cash or checks made out to Community Players Theatre are acceptable. Tuition scholarships are available for qualifying families.