Three Cornered Moon
April 28 & 29, 1936
Majestic Theatre
When Mother Rimplegar, flighty and vague, announces the collapse of the family fortune due to the stock market crash, it throws the idle and spoiled family into chaos. It is then that Dr.Alan Stevens assumes a mild dictatorship over the family and induces them to get to work. Sobered by the sanity and sweetness of living by working, daughter Elizabeth now becomes dissatisfied with finance Donald, who lost in his dreams, feels artistically exempt from the responsibilities that confront him. Even the “mad” Rimplegars have now learned to adopt more realistic standards of living, though they never totally give up their peculiar humor and their innate flippancy.
Author: Gertrude Tonkonogy
Historian’s Corner
The production dates for “Three Cornered Moon” had to be changed from April 30 and May 1 to April 28th and 29th. This was due to a change in the Majestic Theatre’s performance schedule. To accommodate this change, intensive rehearsals were held on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday before the opening to insure a smooth production despite curtailed rehearsal times.