The Gazebo
February 2 & 3, 1961
Bloomington High School Auditorium
A writer of who-dun-its and why-nots, always with an eye toward inventing the almost perfect crime, gets into a spot where he has to commit a real do-it-yourself murder. His wife has become the target of blackmail, so the writer has to silence the so-and-so with a six shooter and then find a place to hide the body. Having acquired at auction a gazabo for their new surburban backyard, the writer and his wife decide to plant the blackmailer in its fresh concrete foundation. Mysteriously, it isn’t long before the body turns up again-in the middle of their living room! Soon the house is crawling with detectives and district attorneys, all looking to point their finger somewhere, thus casting the writer in a role he never expected he’d have to play: the suspect.
Author: Alec Coppel
Historian’s Corner
At the October 15, 1960 board meeting, concerns were expressed about the content of “The Moon Is Blue.” After a long discussion, it was decided to offer a substitute play. At the November 15th meeting, the play “The Gazebo” was proposed as a substitute. Also at this board meeting was the final vote to accept the architects’ plans and proceed with the construction of the Robinhood Lane theatre. Mr. Mulliken and Mr. Riddle were directed to begin the construction as soon as possible.