The Crucible (2016)
January 15-17 & 21-24, 2016
Community Players Theatre
Winner of the 1953 Tony Award for Best Play, The Crucible focuses on a young farmer, his wife, and a young servant-girl who maliciously causes the wife’s arrest for witchcraft. The farmer brings the girl to court to admit the lie—and it is here that the monstrous course of bigotry and deceit is terrifyingly depicted. The farmer, instead of saving his wife, finds himself also accused of witchcraft and ultimately condemned along with a host of others.
Author: Arthur Miller
Historian’s Corner
The Crucible was first performed at Players in 1968. This current revival was praised by the reviewer, who noted many excellent, stand-out performances.
Following the passing of a longtime Players supporter and box office worker, the production was dedicated to the memory of Virginia “Jenny” Terven. The show was also dedicated to Jake Myers. The Crucible was Kayla Jo Pulliam’s first time directing for Community Players.