Ramshackle Inn
April 27-29 & May 2-6, 1967
Community Players Theatre
An old maid librarian has saved her money for twenty years in order to buy a hotel where she can meet interesting people. She purchases a strange, tumbles-down place near the ocean, and she gets what she bargains for—plus a good deal besides. The imperturbable librarian encounters ghosts and secret trunks; she wanders through mysterious situations and thunderstorms; she meets with comedy and drama, the living and the dead; and somehow she manages to emerge at the end none the worse for her extraordinary experiences.
Author: George Batson
Historian’s Corner
The mystery-farce “Ramshackle Inn” closed out the 44th Season. The show featured first-time director Warren J. Blackstone, a professor at Illinois State University. Sadly, only 63 people plus the reviewer saw the opening night. The reviewer pointed out several good performances but criticized both the show and the pacing. While the production staff kept the costs of the show below budget, “Ramshackle Inn” had the lowest attendance rate for the entire season.