Over 21
January 31, February 1, 1952
Scottish Rite Temple
“Over 21” is a fast-paced comedy set in 1943 near Miami, where Max, a 39-year-old newspaper editor, is sweating out United States Army Air Corps training in competition with much younger recruits. Against his advice, his novelist wife, Paula has joined him in Florida to cheer him on. Max’s former publisher, Robert Drexel Gow, visits to entice him to quit and return to work. In the end, Max earns his commission, and Paula, taking Max’s old job, gets the opportunity to move from genteel novelist to hard-bitten newspaper editor.
Author: Ruth Gordon
Historian’s Corner
“O’ Mistress Mine” by Terrance Rattigan, was originally slated for this spot in the season, but after second thoughts on casting and producing the show, it was replaced with “Over 21” by Ruth Gordon. It was felt that “O’Mistress Mine” would not pass the censor committee because of its mature theme of an unmarried woman living with an unmarried man. Working early to prevent a conflict with the Consistory, the board replaced “O’ Mistress Mine” with a fast-paced lighter comedy.