Life with Mother
January 25 & 26, 1951
Scottish Rite Temple
This sequel to “Life with Father” shows the Day family in their summer home entertaining friends and relatives. Mother, never having an engagement ring of her own, determines to get one. Opportunity knocks when Mrs. Bessie Fuller Logan comes to visit the Days. She was once engaged to Father, but when the engagement was broken, she refused to return ring. Mother insists Father get the ring back. Bessie, playing delightful games with Father, finally relents. The plot is further enhanced by the arrival of Cousin Cora and her husband Clyde. Father and Clyde clash constantly. Father is about to kick Clyde out of the house when Clyde blames Father for the poorly performing stocks he recommended to Cora. This siuation is resolved when Mother buys back Cora’s stocks at a loss. As the play ends, one of the boys is off to Yale, and Mother warns him to wear warm clothes and eat the right foods.
Authors: Howard Lindsay & Russel Crouse
Historian’s Corner
For the production of “Life with Mother,” Father and Mother were played by the same actors who performed those parts in “Life with Father” in 1948, Chalmer Taylor and Eula O’Neill. Also returning in their original parts were Colene Hoose as Cora; Bill Holcomb as Whitney; and Ross Haden as Harlan. Forrest Watt, originally Rev. Dr. Lloyd, returned this time to play Dr. Humphreys.