Junior Miss
December 5 & 6, 1946
Scottish Rite Temple
Harry and Grace Graves have two children-Lois and Judy. Judy at age 13 has a confidante Fuffy, an amazing capacity for food, and a burning desire to grow up to the glamorous age of 16. With characteristic reasoning, Judy decides that her father must be in love with the daughter of his partner, affectionately called J.B. Judy decided that it is her duty to bring Harry back into the family fold. In addition to saving her family, Judy takes it upon herself to ‘save” her Uncle Willis, whom she has never seen until his unexpected arrival on Christmas Eve. Because Uncle Willis’ name must never be mentioned in the presence of mother, Judy decides he has been spending time in jail. When Judy isn’t binding family ties, she and Fuffy practice walking in her first high-heels and conspiring to wangle young men to be their escorts for the New Year’s dance; the result of all which practically assures Harry the loss of his partnership with J.B. However, with circumstances at their worst, there is an unexpected turn, and Judy becomes Miss Judy Graves, a lovely Junior Miss who has her escort for her first dance.
Authors: Jerome Chodorov and Joseph Fields
Historian’s Corner
“Junior Miss” was the 13th play to be directed by Mrs. Eula O’Neill. Mrs. O’Neill directed two shows for Players’ previous season: “Janie” and “Theatre.” Mrs. O’Neill’s first play with Community Players was in 1924, in the production of Ibsen’s “The Doll House.” Four teenagers who appeared in last season’s modern teenage play “Janie” were also cast for “Junior Miss”: Don Hamilton, Miss Sara Funk, Bill Buck, and Ralph Loar, Jr.