Home For The Holidays
December 18, 2020
Community Players Theatre
With some footage recorded "at-home" by participants.
The third show in this series was designed to bring back an old tradition for CPT. This December, for our third event, would be presenting a special called “Home for the Holidays”. This show would be a modern equivalent to the Players' past performances of the "Holiday on Robinhood Lane" series. This will be a great way to get into the Holiday spirit. The original plan was to decorate the stage with a very Merry Christmas theme. Some of the songs presented in the show would be filmed on the Players' stage. However, COVID Restrictions made that impossible. So like "The Show Must Go On!" performers would submit Christmas music or dance. The story is about the janitor at Players left alone at Christmas time with his family out of town. Some friends help make a Happy Christmas for the janitor. In the opening scene, he is seen cleaning up the theatre due to the cancellation of the Annual Christmas Movie. As old friends contact him to help him clean-up, he declines and they set about creating a Merry Christmas gift for the janitor with a surprise zoom call from performers and board members. After this wonderful surprise and the theatre cleaned up, the janitor is locking up the theatre to go home alone when his family drives up to surprise him.
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Historian’s Corner
In the planning stage for this production, it was hoped and assumed that the Pandemic Rules would be somewhat eased by December. This did not happen and so the plans changed to offer the same type of production as the "Show Must Go On!". The only difference was that things had eased up enough for two or three people to be in the theatre if socially distanced. The janitor character was filmed in the lobby and the Green Room. That allowed the Director, Cameraman, and the actor inside of the theatre. Five other actors were filmed on the outside of the theatre. Three at the door in the opening and two in a car at the closing of the show. Everyone else created videos of their scenes or songs and dances and sent them to be edited into the show.