Dial M For Murder (2016)
May 6-8 & 12-15, 2016
Community Players Theatre
Tony Wendice has married his wife, Margot, for her money and now plans to murder her for the same reason. He arranges the perfect murder: He blackmails a scoundrel he used to know into strangling her for a fee of one thousand pounds and arranges a brilliant alibi for himself. Unfortunately, the murderer gets murdered, and the victim survives. But this doesn’t baffle the husband: He sees his hireling’s death as an opportunity to have his wife convicted for the murder of the man who tried to murder her and that is what almost happens. Luckily, a police inspector from Scotland Yard and a young man who is in love with the wife discover the truth, and in a scene of almost unbearable suspense, they trap the husband into revealing his guilt, thus freeing Margot.
Author: Frederick Knott
Historian’s Corner
“Dial M For Murder” was first performed by Community Players in February of 1956. Both the original production and this revival were well-received by Players’ audiences. In this 2016 production, praise from the reviewer went not only to the actors, but to the show’s production staff.