Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1990)
March 16-19, 1990
Community Players Theatre
A Theatre for Young People Production
In the play version of the classic children’s novel by Roald Dahl, Augustus Gloop, Violet Beauregarde, Veruca Salt, Grandpa George, Mike TeeVee, Willy Wonka, and Charlie himself come to life. All involved would discover the true meaning of teamwork, self-confidence and self-esteem. Each member of the cast had a role that promoted a special understanding of other people as, together, they and the audience experienced a chocolate-candy fantasy.
Based on the book by Roald Dahl, dramatized by Richard R. George
Historian’s Corner
For this production of “Charlie and the Chocolate factory,” all of the oompa lumpas wore glow-in-the-dark make-up. During their recitation of the poems that described the downfall of the evil children who disobey Mr. Wonka’s instructions, the oompa lumpas’ danced in full stage black light. This gave the scary looking oompa lumpas a very creepy appearance. This show was performed ten times during a brief three day run and was both an audience favorite and a financial success.