Calling All Cars
January 18 & 19, 1940
Majestic Theatre
This play is based upon the popular radio crime mystery program “Calling All Cars” by William R. Robson, a forerunner to the popular radio and television series “Dragnet.” As the curtain rises the leading actress of the play is shot in front of everyone. Bloomington’s Chief of Police, Clyde Hibbens, jumps up from the audience and runs to the stage to take over the investigation. He is aided in his investigation by two Bloomington Police Sargeants. Also showing up are the McLean County Coronor. Dr. Robert Price and John Bowman, a reporter from the Daily Pantagraph. This play within a play used local celebrities to solve a who-done-it, and by the fall of the Act III curtain, this comedy mystery was a big success for the Players.
Author: William N. Robsony
Historian’s Corner
The cast photo was taken on January 18th at 10:35 p.m. The Thursday night temperature was 15 degrees below zero outside when photo was taken. The properties and stage settings required some unique challenges for “Calling All Cars.” Mrs. Frank Rorabach, properties chairman, invaded the police department to borrow weapons. She also needed one dummy, one rustic path, one treadmill, a baby and a dog. In the cousre of the production, Martin La Follette and Elmer Goodfellow, who were in charge of stage settings and scenery, had to set off two explosions, manipulate a trap door, a death ray machine, a broadcasting station, and an electrical storm. Also of note, Gummerman’s Printing created a faux newspaper extra that covered the murder of the actress in the play and described Chief of Police Clyde Hibbens taking over the investigation.