As Others See Us and Leprechaun Moonlight
January 31, 1927
Bloomington High School Auditorium
Synopsis - As Others See Us
“As Others See Us” is a play about a young lady learning to appreciate the merits that can be found in her nearest relatives.
Synopsis - Leprechaun Moonlight
“Leprechaun Moonlight” is a delightful Irish Fairy play full of fantasy. It tells the story of a young man, Lonney, who has returned from America to seek the hand of Margaret O’Flynn. Margaret’s heart lives cold with her poor dead Danny. Can the Leprechauns help?
As Others See Us - Author: Reba M. Stevens
Leprechaun Moonlight - Author: Gervaise Butler
Historian’s Corner
These two one acts represent the first and second place winners in Community Players’ first playwriting contest. The production was open to season ticket holders only, but the public was encouraged to become members. Only the first and second place plays were selected to be presented. Due to scenery requirements, it was felt that the third place play,”O’Shea”, by A.O. Brown and the fourth place play, “The Dragon’s Tooth” by Curtis Bill would be presented at a later date, but in fact they were never produced. At the February 11, 1927 meeting of the board of Community Players, article 4 -Section 2a of the Player’s by-laws were changed to read that the annual meeting would be held in May instead of October. As a result, 1926-1927 season was shortened from four plays to three.