A Man for All Seasons
March 9-11, 14-18, 1967
Community Players Theatre
“A Man For All Seasons” is a tragic, historical drama that offers a portrait of Sir Thomas More in his last years as Lord Chancellor of England during the reign of Henry the VIII. When Henry fails to obtain Papal approval for a divorce from Catherine of Aragon to marry Anne Bolen, he mandates his subjects to sign an “Act of Supremacy” making him both the spiritual and the temporal leader of England. Sir Thomas cannot in good conscience comply. Neither Cromwell, Cardinal Wolsey, his family, nor the King himself are able to convince More as he maintains his integrity in silence. Ultimately accused of high treason, this very silence leads the man to his execution and later his canonization in 1935.
Author: Robert Bolt
Historian’s Corner
“A Man For All Seasons” featured Dr. John Kirk, newly appointed head of the Theatre Department at Illinois State University, playing Sir Thomas More in his first show for the Community Players. This production had single admission sales of $946.35. This amount was the highest sales of single admission tickets for all three plays of the season.