A Far Country
November 29-30, December 1, 4-7, 1963
Community Players Theatre
“A Far Country” tells the story of Sigmund Freud’s first critical case: the analysis of an hysterical, crippled woman who has no visible source of affliction. The scar is not on her body, he reasons, but on her mind and the far country of her soul. Self-knowledge is her cure.
Author: Henry Denker
Historian’s Corner
In a November 30, 1963 article in the Daily Pantagraph, a photo showed Rita and Walter Kohn looking over a letter from Dr. Kohn’s mother telling them of the family life of the Sigmund Freuds, whom she knew while living in London. Rita’s family interest led her to accept the role of Freud’s mother in the play “A Far Country.” Also introduced at this year’s Community Players’ productions was an opening night hospitality night at which guests sipped punch during the intermission at tables decorated by the Players’ Hospitality Committee Co- Chairmen: Mrs. E.H. King and Mrs. Paul Anderson. Each show received its own specialty decorations by the hospitality committee.