Kameron Cox Roles Disney’s High School Musical2008-2009ProducerFather of the Bride (2008)2007-2008Assistant DirectorFiddler on the Roof (2007)2007-2008House ManagerMister Roberts (2007)2007-2008ReberShore PatrolmanJoseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (2007)2007-2008Stage CrewInherit The Wind (2007)2006-2007George SillersSugar – The Some Like It Hot Musical2006-2007EnsembleSet and Painting CrewBeauty and the Beast (2006)2006-2007Adult EnsembleDeadwood Dick or A Game of Gold2005-2006Sheriff Loveless, who gets his manCheaper by the Dozen2005-2006Dr. BurtonCharlie and the Chocolate Factory2011-2012Mr. SaltPlay It Again, Sam2009-2010Director