The Board is planning a retreat on Saturday, July 19, 2014, at ISU. They will be reviewing the production guidelines, learning the new google for non profits account, and also looking at the new and improved website (set to launch at the beginning of August).
Lobby work has been progressing. Alan Wilson is organizing a sub-committee to choose colors/furniture for the lobby. Jeremy Stiller has completed the refreshment bar, but it still needs to be finished (hardware, paint/stain, logo).
Are a little short on number of season tickets sold this year compared to last. However, there has been an increase in single ticket sales.
Continuing to work to obtain advertising for our program.
Presentation and approval (with minor adjustments) to a membership proposal identifying members and volunteers, their roles and responsibilities.
Playreading committee has put up a survey for members to help choose plays/musicals for next season. There has been a good response and trends are emerging.
Looking at doing some type of sponsorship for The Philadelphia Story.
Next meeting: Tuesday, August 19, 2014, 6:00 pm at Community Players Theatre.
Submitted by Judy Stroh – Secretary